We have read umpteen times that content is the king and it is an integral part of online marketing. Lot of emphasis is laid on content marketing for this reason. So how exactly do we use blogs to convert traffic into leads? Following are some ways which will help you in converting your audience into your potential customers.
This is pretty obvious, if you want to get customers you have to help them by solving their issues. If you want your content to convert into leads then you should post blogs that help in solving customer problems. Say for instance you are selling pair of shoes, you can share tips from professional runners about your product. Or if you are selling some enterprise productivity tool, you can write about how to overcome inefficiency at workplace. Your writing can be creative but it should serve the purpose, which is solving the customer’s issues.
The critical part of your content is undoubtedly your topic but at the same time it is important to start your post with an interesting story. Everyone loves reading story and if your blog is interactive it will definitely keep your readers hooked. Stories are engaging and can encourage your audience to keep reading. By writing something interactive your readers will scroll all the way to the end of page. Make sure you grab their attention.
Image can also be narrative like a story. Remember you need to engage your audience, so rather than going with a common photo you need to provide an image that is relatable. Personalized images trigger emotions and connect with your audience. Also note that the image should be big enough for people to notice. Studies have found that using pictures of faces can help in increasing the rate of conversion.
Unfortunately readers don’t actually read the entire content. Majority of them just focus on key points. Make sure you use sub headings to divide your content accordingly. This is essential because it makes the blog easier to read. Use H2 or H3 tags to make your sub headings bold. Bullets and numbering is also an easy way to segregate your content in different sections. This gives readers an option to read what they want.
This is pretty obvious; ensure that your website loads quickly. You can lose your customers if it loads slowly. People don’t have patience to wait for your web pages to load. If it doesn’t load quickly, they will hop on to another website. Various online tools are available to check the speed of the website. Use them and improvise accordingly.
These are just few methods that can be used to convert your traffic into potential customers. By following these tactics you can surely engage your customers and convert them into positive leads. Once this is done, converting them to your regular customers won’t be difficult.
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